Sono spesso accusato di far troppe cose: L'Espresso, la rivista, i libri, l'insegnamento universitario, l'IN/ARCH, l'Istituto di Urbanistica. Ne sento io stesso il peso e mi domando se non sarebbe meglio tagliare la maggior parte di queste attività per dedicarsi con maggiore energia al lavoro scientifico.
Il dubbio acquista spesso gli accenti di una "crisi" psicologica. Ma la mia, ch'io sappia, non è una crisi, oppure riveste origini remote e ha carattere permanente. Della fede dei miei avi sei milioni furono messi a morte senza ragione. [Bruno Zevi, 1960]
The book brings together critical updates on the figure of Bruno Zevi, considering his various facets as a historian, critic, journalist and reference point for design culture in Italy and abroad.
These studies underline the attention to the urban dimension, which anticipates much of the Global History, the relationships with "other" cultural contexts that have declined alternative nuances to the Zevian adage of Organic Architecture. It also defined the connections - including the personal ones - with giants of architectural design and historiography, the contacts with disciplines that do not exactly coincide with the consolidated concept of architecture, and the operative effects on the practice of architecture and history: the result is a Bruno Zevi as a Transnational Cultural Mediator.
This is not a monograph, therefore, but a meeting point for different, not necessarily homogeneous, perspectives, which seems to us to be of international interest, not only European, and useful for outlining further facets of Zevi's contribution to the design culture