With an extract of the Italian applicable Law translated in English

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Autore: De Luca Vittorio



Data pubblicazione21 dic 2021

Reparto: Diritto , Lavoro , LIBRI

Argomento: Amministrazione del personale , Lavoro

SKU/ISBN:  9788821780806

Il volume contiene la traduzione in lingua inglese degli articoli del Codice Civile italiano riguardanti la disciplina del diritto del lavoro (libro IV e V) e delle più importanti leggi sulla materia

Illustra le principali regole e requisiti di cui tenere conto per conoscere il quadro normativo italiano applicabile ogni volta che un datore di lavoro deve gestire il posto di lavoro e il rapporto di lavoro con i suoi lavoratori.

Vi sono dei capitoli dedicati alla presentazione di tutti gli attori coinvolti in un rapporto di lavoro. Tra questi, ad esempio, il ruolo dei sindacati e la gestione quotidiana dei rapporti, oppure l'individuazione e il ruolo delle istituzioni pubbliche che sono attori chiave nella gestione operativa continuativa di un rapporto di lavoro. Esse focalizzano l'attenzione del Lettore sulle principali fonti normative del diritto del lavoro italiano, rinvenibili nella Costituzione, nel Codice Civile, che comprende una sezione speciale in materia di lavoro, nello Statuto dei lavoratori ( 'Statuto dei Lavoratori'), ovvero la Legge n. 300/1970 come modificata dalla successiva normativa, nonché nei CCNL, che vengono sottoscritti congiuntamente dai sindacati e dalle associazioni dei datori di lavoro periodicamente.
ndice sintetico

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Italian employment & labour law
Chapter 2 - Fundamental principles and constitutional guarantees
Chapter 3 - The employment relationships, service contracts and agency contracts in the italian law
Chapter 4 - Rules on individual dismissals
Chapter 5 - Rules on the protection of the freedom and dignity of workers, trade union freedom and trade union activity in the workplace and employment regulations
Chapter 6 - Individual dismissals
Chapter 7 - Rules on collective redundancies
Chapter 8 - Rules on employment of disabled people
Chapter 9 - The discipline of immigration and rules about the conditions for foreigners
Chapter 10 - Rules governing the right to work of the disabled
Chapter 11 - Parental leave: protection and support of maternity and paternity
Chapter 12 - The discipline of working hours
Chapter 13 - Service agreement and secondment
Chapter 14 - The summary procedure called “Rito Fornero”
Chapter 15 - The new protections for individual and collective unfair dismissals
Chapter 16 - Leave for female victims of gender-based violence
Chapter 17 - Types of employment contract and rules regarding the employeès duties
Chapter 18 - Regulation of solidarity holidays and telematic procedure for resignation and termination by mutual consent
Chapter 19 - Social shock absorbers
Chapter 20 - Autonomous non-entrepreneurial work and agile working
Constitution of the Italian Republic, the Provisional Head of State whereas the Constituent Assembly approved the Constitution of the Republic of Italy on 22 December 1947 and entered into force on 1 January 1948.
Provisions of the law in general, approved prior to the Civil Code by Royal Decree No. 262 of March 16, 1942 (Deletion)
Law, 15 July, 1966, No. 604 – Rules on individual dismissals
Law 20 May 1970, No. 300 – Rules on the protection of the freedom and dignity of workers, trade union freedom and trade union activity in the workplace and rules on employment
Law 11 May 1990, No. 108 – Discipline of individual dismissals
Law 23 July 1991, No. 223 – Rules on unemployment benefit, mobility, unemployment treatment, implementation of European Community directives, start of work and other provisions for the labour market
Law 5 February 1992, No. 104 – Framework law for the assistance, social integration, and rights of the disabled
Legislative Decree 25 July 1998, No. 286 – Consolidated Act of the provisions concerning immigration regulations and the condition of foreigners
Law of 12 March 1999, No. 68 – Rules governing the right to work of the disabled
Legislative Decree 26 March 2001, No. 151 – Consolidated text of the legislative provisions on the protection and support of maternity and paternity, pursuant to Article 15 of Law No. 53 of 8 March 2000
Legislative Decree 8 April 2003, No. 66 – Implementation of Council Directives 93/104/EC and 2000/34/EC concerning certain aspects of working time organization
Legislative Decree 10 September 2003, No. 276 – Implementation of the powers of attorney in the field of employment and labour market, as per Law No. 30 of February 14, 2003
Law 28 June 2012, No. 92 – Provisions on labour market reform with a view to growth
Legislative Decree 4 March 2015, No. 23 – Provisions on permanent employment contracts of indefinite duration with increasing protections, in implementation of the Law of December 10, 2014, No. 183
Legislative Decree 15 June 2015 No. 80 – Measures for the reconciliation of care, life and work needs, in implementation of Article 1, paragraphs 8 and 9 of Law No. 183 of December 10, 2014
Legislative Decree 15 June 2015, No. 81 – Organic regulation of employment contracts and revision of the regulations on tasks, pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 7, of Law No. 183 of 10 December 2014
Legislative Decree 14 September 2015, No. 151 – Provisions for the rationalization and simplification of procedures and requirements for citizens and businesses and other provisions on employment relations and equal opportunities, in implementation of Law No. 183 of 10 December 2014
Legislative Decree 14 September 2015, No. 148 – Provisions for the reorganization of the legislation on social security shock absorbers in the context of the employment relationship, in implementation of Law No. 183 of December 10, 2014
Law 22 May 2017, No. 81 – Measures for the protection of non-business self-employment and measures to promote the agile working

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